Project Description
Webster Properties bought the existing DiPisa Old World Submarine shop from its original owner. They completely remodeled the locale, updating all the appliances, the POS system, even the logo. They also changed the actual menu and needed to update the website to match the new look of the place. They also had the problem that they needed differentiate themselves from the other DiPisa location in town. Both locations were at one time owned by the old owner but now they are two different restaurants that share a name.
Creative Ideology was tasked with redoing the website with a new look that would work with the existing logo. The website needed to be responsive and able to connect with social media. The employees also wanted to put in a blog to update new offerings and happenings for their customers to see.
CI was able to deliver an awesome website that has their full menu, location page with google maps and a beautiful new look. You can also see the new menu we designed for DiPisa here.
Project Details